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Foundation IOT
Because they may falsely report what happened wither knowingly or simply due to confusion
Foundation IOT
Course Duration:
40 Hrs
Course Timings:
Course Fees:
Course Placement:
Course Pre-Requisite
Engineering Graduation
Course Selection Procedure
Course Eligibility
The pre-requisite for joining this training is zero. Anyone who is interested for this course can register it. Students/faculties from all engineering branches can participate specially Electrical,Electronics, Instrumentation, CS/IT branch students.
Modules Covered
IOT architecture , applications and challenges
Part I - RaspeberryPi
What is RaspberryPi ?
Main features of Raspberry Pi and its uses in IOT
How to setup and use RaspberryPi
Basics of Linux
Python IDE
Python 2 vs Python 3
Architecture of RaspberryPi
Python code structure
Why Python is used more in RaspberryPi
Basic Python usage
i. Hello World
ii. Indentation
iii. Variables
iv. Comments
v. Lists
vi. Iteration
vii. Range
viii. Length
ix. 'if' , 'for' , while control statements
Python files in IDE
Executing python files from the command line
Installing python libraries
i. APT
iii. GPIO library in detail
Basic operations on GPIO pins,how to setup pins , apply digital voltages , generate PWM etc.